General QuestionsMORE
- VisTitle New Activation Policy
- VisTitle can’t be loaded in NLE system. Neither can it run as standalone.
- The dongle disconnects while VisTitle is running.
- While applying dynamic texture, the dynamic texture rendering turns out to be blank or incorrect.
- VisTitle can run as standalone, but cannot be loaded as plugin to NLE systems.
- Antivirus software warns about suspicious program.
FAQ Regarding AdobeMORE
- Title rendering effect is incorrect. The video format is incorrect.
- After clicking on “Record” button, the subtitle is still cannot be recorded.
- The preview quality through NLE board is bad.
- In certain situation, when you double-click subtitle of VisTitle, “Clip In Point Options” dialog will pop out.
FAQ Regarding AvidMORE
- Title rendering effect of title is incorrect. Video format is incorrect.
- After clicking on “Record” button, the subtitle is still cannot be recorded.
- The preview quality through NLE board is bad.
- When recording subtitle, cannot preview subtitle in video output of hardware.
- Preview image in video output delays when clapping.